Arweinwyr Digidol - Digital Leaders
Ein gwelediaeth ni, fel Arweinwyr Digidol, yw creu ysgol sy’n hyderus yn defnyddio technoleg o ddydd i ddydd. Gobeithio gallwn wneud hyn drwy ddatblygu sgiliau technoleg disgyblion ac athrawon!
Our vision, as Digital Leaders, is to create a school that is confident in using technology on a day-to-day basis. Hopefully we can do this by developing pupils and teachers' technology skills!
- Datblygu sgiliau digidol disgyblion ac athrawon
- Creu adnoddau technolegol i’r ysgol
- Gofalu am dechnoleg yr ysgol
- Dysgu eraill am ddiogelwch ar y we
- Darganfod gwefannau, aps a thechnoleg newydd
- Cynnig cymorth technolegol
- Developing pupils and teachers digital skills
- Creating digital resources for the school
- Taking care of the technology in school
- Teaching others about internet safety
- Discovering new websites, apps and technology
- Offer technical support