Croeso i dudalen CRHA yr ysgol. Mae holl rieni, gofalwyr, gwarcheidwaid a staff yn aelodau o'r CRHA ac mae croeso i chi ddod i'r gyfarfodydd. Peidiwch â bod yn swil, byddem wrth ein bodd yn eich gweld chi yno!
Welcome to the school PTA page. All parents, carers, guardians and staff are automatically members of the school PTA and are welcome to attend meetings. Please don't be shy, we would love to see you there!
Beth yw'r CRHA/What is the PTA?
Gwrp o rieni/gwarcheidwaid, athrawon a llywodraethwyr sy'n codi arian yw'r CRHA/The PTA is a fund-raising group made up of parents/guardians, teachers and governors.
Pam ydyn ni'n codi arian?Why do we need to fund raise?
I helpu ddarparu offer ac adnoddau er mwyn hybu addysg ein plant. Gallwn helpu i gyfrannu at eitemau sy'n gwella'r amgylchedd dysgu ac i ddiweddaru offer, yn ogystal â sybsideiddio teithiau preswyl.
To help provide equipment and resources in order to bolster our children’s education. We can help contribute towards items which enhance the working environment and update equipment as well as subsidising school residential trips.
Beth allech chi wenud?What can you do to help?
Gallwch chi roi cymaint neu cyn lleied o amser ag y dymunwch, o ddylunio poster i drefnu digwyddiad, gwneud cacennau i'w prynu, neu trwy ddod a chefnogi digwyddiad.
Does dim rhaid i chi ddod i bob cyfarfod, fodd bynnag, os gallwch chi ddod i unrhyw un, bydd croeso mawr i chi. Cynhelir cyfarfodydd unwaith y mis (weithiau'n amlach yn agos at ddigwyddiadau mawr) ac maent yn para am 90 munud ar gyfartaledd.
Mae pedair swydd pwyllgor ar y CRhA yn cael eu hethol bob blwyddyn sef: Nhw yw Cadeirydd, Is-Gadeirydd, Ysgrifennydd a Thrysorydd. Os ydych chi'n teimlo y gallech chi lenwi un o'r swyddi hyn, a wnewch chi mynegi eich diddordeb i'r
Gwerthfawrogir unrhyw help y gallwch ei ddarparu. Ni all y CRhA weithredu heb gefnogaeth barhaus y rhieni a'r athrawon ac mae bob amser yn chwilio am recriwtiaid newydd. Mae angen sgiliau gwahanol ar bob digwyddiad, ond yn fwy na dim mae angen eich cefnogaeth arnom.
Cysylltwch a ni trwy..............
You can give as much or as little time as you want, from designing a poster to organising an event, from making cakes to buying them, or by coming and supporting events.
You don’t have to come to every meeting, however if you can come to any you will be made very welcome. Meetings are held once a month (sometimes more frequently close to big events) and last on average for 90 minutes.
There are four committee positions on the PTA that are elected each year. They are Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. If you feel you could fill one of these positions, please express your interest to the current committee before the AGM, usually held towards the end of September each year.
Any help that you can provide will be appreciated. The PTA cannot function without the on-going support of the parents and teachers and is always looking for new recruits. Each event needs some different skills, but most of all we need your support.
Contact us on ............................