Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Evan James

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Evan James

"O Bydded i'r
Heniaith Barhau"


Clwb Carco/After School club


Clwb Carco - 07791751185


Cylch Evan James sydd yn rhedeg y gofal plant ar ôl ysgol.  Mae’r Cylch eisoes yn rhedeg gwasanaeth llwyddiannus o dan arweiniad Miss Angharad Cullimore i blant cyn-oed ysgol.  Yn ogystal â hyn maent wedi bod yn darparu gofal plant ar ôl ysgol i blant hyd at 5 oed.

Gweler isod drefniadau Gofal Plant ar ôl Ysgol

  • Cysylltwch gyda Miss Angharad Cullimore am le i’ch plentyn yn y Cylch ar 07791751185 neu cylchevanjames@outlook.com (rhaid archebu lle o flaen llaw)
  • Oriau agor a chau – 15.30-17.00
  • Pris - £6.50
  • Lleoliad casglu plant – y twnnel ar yr iard

Cylch Evan James run the after school childcare. The Cylch is already running a successful service led by Miss Angharad Cullimore for pre-school children. The Cylch has also been providing after school childcare for children up to the age of 5.

Please find below the After School Childcare arrangements

  • Contact Miss Angharad Cullimore to book your child’s place in the Cylch on 07791751185 or cylchevanjames@outlook.com (advance booking required)
  • Opening and closing hours - 15.30-17.00
  • Price – £6.50
  • Pick up location - tunnel on the yard